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Anger Management

Anger is another emotion that raises our defenses.  Often times, when we feel angry, we tend to judge, fix, repress or indulge our feelings.  

What if we were to allow our feelings, without judgment, without trying to fix them, without repressing or indulging by retelling the story which made you angry to every friend and family member.  What if we just observed our anger with awareness and listened to what it needs from us?

We often get angry when one of our values is being infringed upon BUT because our defenses start to arise, we explode or yell or shut down.  When we can learn to trust our inner world and quiet the hostility towards ourselves, we can learn to listen to our anger as an alert system to protect our boundaries. 

Together in therapy we will learn how to create PEACE OF MIND and protect that peace of mind by gaining awareness into what disrupts it and listening to how it makes us feel.  When we are aware of our responses we can create boundaries and space in between stimulus and response to allow for choice in our response.